In the course of gathering food, humans discovered that certain plants, animals, and mineral substances have medicinal properties. Through trial and error in using these medical substances to treat various diseases. the Chinese discovered that combining substances was often more effective than using them individually. Such observations and experiences have been inventoried for thousands of years, and have led empirically to Chinese herbal medicine as it is practiced today.
Herbal medicine is a safe, effective and drug-free way of managing both acute and chronic medical conditions. The treatment method is the bridge between any disease and its effective herbal remedy. As such, a successful treatment requires accurate diagnosis of the disease, strategic planning of treatment methods, and careful consideration of which herbal formula to prescribe for each individual person base on his or her condition.
There are many forms of herbal medicine such as decoction, pills, powder, soft extracts, medicinal wine, and pellets. Practitioners will choose the best possible dosage form cording to patients needs.
Combination of acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, and herbal medicine are best methods to help in the natural way!