
What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a complex branch of ancient Chinese medicine, but its practical principles and methods are easily understood: 14 major energy channels work together to form an invisible network course through entire body using subtle energy called Qi. One's good health depends on a balanced distribution of Qi (imbalance in the distribution of Qi can bring on ill health). With acupuncture needles' stimulation on certain points along the channels help restore the normal balance and flow of Qi so organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony as intended. This sets the stage for the body to repair itself and maintain its own health.


Have you experienced unresolved health problem?

Acupuncture can help!!!

The top 7 reasons to try acupuncture:

  • Acupuncture treating the root of the problem.
  • Acupuncture helps to reawaken and energize the self-healing and regenerating capacity of the body.
  • Acupuncture can be used as preventative medicine.
  • Acupuncture can help support and strengthen the immune system.
  • Acupunture can assist with drug recovery, alcohol addiction and quitting smoking.
  • Acupunture can treat over 50 western medical diseases. disorders and sumptoms.